Nagaya (NGY) is a hybrid crypto-asset backed by gold and actual business projects. With a system that allows its gold reserve to grow and expand, while rising the quantity as well as the quality of projects to be funded by Nagaya (NGY), this further builds its value and trust.

With this unique composition of the gold reserve, actual projects, and transparency, Nagaya (NGY) exhibits an increased degree of stability as compared to other cryptocurrencies. Concurrently, this maintains the potential of value appreciation in the long run, giving confidence for people to hold Nagaya (NGY) for long-term.


NAGAYA TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD is a limited liability company registered in the Republic of Singapore (Registration Number : 201819783N). Nagaya is also currently a member of ACCESS (Association of Crypto Currency Enterprises and Start-ups Singapore) and SFA (Singapore Fintech Association).


Keep as Crypto-Asset
Looking to add diversity to your asset portfolio ? Then keep your Nagaya (NGY) as crypto-asset that you can claim the back-up gold anytime.
Method of Payment
With its value being more stable with a tendency to increase with time, this makes Nagaya (NGY) more reliable to be accepted as a method of payment globally.
Trade In Marketplace
Nagaya (NGY) will be available for trading in both internal and external marketplaces. Trade or exchange your Nagaya (NGY) with other cryptocurrencies or fiat money.
Peer to Peer Transfer
By using Nagaya-QT Wallet, you will be able to transfer peer to peer and create secured and anonymous transactions worldwide.
Peer to Peer LOAN
Nagaya (NGY) is backed by gold which is securely stored and regularly audited. Holders of Nagaya (NGY) can use it as a collateral to get up to 50% of its backed-up value in cash.
More to COME
We are constantly looking to innovate and improve the utility of Nagaya (NGY) in the future !


Understand the details and how the funds from PCO of Nagaya (NGY) Coins are being distributed
From the sale of your Nagaya (NGY) coins, a portion will be allocated for purchase of gold. This will be your initial Gold Reserve.
The value of all Nagaya (NGY) sold and distributed are backed with 999.9 gold cast bars from LBMA-approved refiners. This means that each Nagaya (NGY) represents the ownership of the physical gold stored in Nagaya Gold Reserve.

Nagaya (NGY) Gold Reserves is kept secured in The Safe House Singapore, an independent ISO 9001 certified vault facility in Singapore.

Proven Authenticity & Fully Insured

All gold held in the Nagaya Gold Reserve is LBMA-approved, ensuring its authenticity.

As assurance to all Nagaya (NGY) holders, the gold is 100% insured, not only from fire, building collapse, theft as well as terrorism sabotage, but also includes the coverage against fidelity and mysterious disappearance.


Nagaya Gold Reserves is being audited regularly on quarterly and annually basis by independent auditors.

Quarterly audits will be performed on statistically significant random samples of deposit boxes. A more comprehensive audit will be performed at the end of each year.

All inventory and audit reports will be published online, and made accessible for public to view on our official website. These reports will be updated whenever gold is added to Nagaya Gold Reserve.

The main portion (50%) of PCO Funds will be allocated for purchasing 999.9 Gold as Nagaya (NGY) Gold Reserve, followed by 32.5% which will be used to finance actual projects and operations of other business units.*
PCO Fund Distribution Chart*
*Estimated figure when all Nagaya have been sold
One third of Nagaya (NGY) PCO Funds will be allocated to fund some prospective projects.

Nagaya Technologies Pte Ltd will receive monthly net profits from each of these projects and a portion of this contributes to the fund for purchasing 999.9 gold, which will be stored in the Nagaya Gold Reserve.
As one of the subsidiary companies of Nagaya Technologies Pte Ltd this mining site, which is situated at Southeast of Sulawesi, will run a monthly production of 50,000 tonnes of nickel ore.

The total nickel ore deposits in the area are evaluated to be around 9,000,000 tonnes with market value of around US$ 216,000,000.

Commencement of this nickel mining production will require funds of approximately US$ 2,000,000.
More projects will be expected to come, along with the increase in the amount of funds available for the funding of these projects and their operations, from Nagaya (NGY) PCO.

Nagaya Technologies Pte Ltd aims to have new prospective projects every year to increase.
A portion of profits / proceeds from projects will be used to purchase additional gold in the Nagaya Gold Reserve. Which means, gold backing YOUR Nagaya (NGY) will increase with time !

As the gold backing your Nagaya (NGY) increases, Nagaya (NGY) Market Value is also expected to increase concurrently with time.